Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas A Little Early

There's nothing like a scheduling conflict to get you motivated.

You see, Lincoln headed to Utah for Christmas this year and we really, really wanted to celebrate at least part of Christmas with him. So, we contacted the North Pole. We submitted our application for rescheduling with the office of the elves.

This is what we got back...

I'm keeping Heinrich's name in mind for our next scheduling emergency. It seems that he is the one to contact.

Now, if you've followed our Christmas mornings of the past several years, you'll know that we always leave carrots for the reindeer. Right? So do most of you. However, several years ago we left the carrots on a plate in our living room. When we woke up that Christmas morning we realized our mistake when there was reindeer poop on our floor. Ever since that fateful morning we've remembered to set the reindeer food outside, which has solved the problem of the indoor reindeer poop.

This year, however, we failed to set anything out, since we didn't know whether our application had been accepted or denied. No cookies for Santa, no carrots for the reindeer....let me tell you that Santa is much more forgiving than his reindeer. Since they had no carrots outside, they searched the house for them, and left little messes all over the place. They finally found their lovely carrots right where they belonged, in the fridge, and helped themselves.

So, if you're wondering, you can reschedule Santa, if you follow the correct procedures and file the appropriate paperwork. However, DON'T EVER forget to feed the reindeer, and I would most definitely suggest leaving the food OUTSIDE.

So, Merry Christmas to all! We're looking forward to opening the rest of our presents with most of our family, and we anxiously await the return of Lincoln, since he took our warm weather with him.

1 comment:

Cassott Kinghorn said...

I will always remember. Thank you so much for the warning!