Sunday, December 5, 2010

Our Weekend So Far

Highlight of the weekend? Participating and attending this...
Hundreds of nativity sets. All sizes, all kinds. From a palm-sized set made of shell to a table size Jerusalem scene. There were sets from as many countries as you can think of, made out of countless materials, like orange peel, coal, palm tree fibers, crystal, and more. The cost of the sets ranged from Little People and Veggie Tales sets to Lladro. I don't think I could have picked a favorite, but I always love the ones with Mary holding baby Jesus most, because you know she would have been holding him. What new mother, particularly the one who just birthed our Savior, doesn't want to hold their baby?

There were two unique sets that really made me think. The first, a statue of Santa Claus holding baby Jesus, so fitting that the typical symbol of the holidays was taking time to hold the true reason for Christmas. The second, a worldly village scene, complete with lights, cars, school bus, houses, stores, and in the back corner, sheltered from the "World" was the nativity scene. Right where it should be - away from it all.

What a wonderful way to start the Christmas season! Remember that the spirit of Christmas is more than threatening your kids with elves and Santa's watchful eye, it's more than wishing for a white Christmas (because we all know I'm not doing that), it's all about the birth of our Savior, His life and His atonement.

Merry CHRIST-mas!


Cassott Kinghorn said...

That is so cool, my new goal in life is to attend one of those. Scott and I make a nativity every year so it would give me some new ideas :) Love you!

Cindy said...

That's really neat. The display in our area opens this week and I'm so excited to take the kids. Sounds like yours was wonderful!