Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Totally Rocked My A-Game At Walmart Today

There's nothing quite as attractive as hitting the Walmart on "that" side of town straight from the gym, wearing ill-fitting exercise duds, sweaty hair, red-flushed face, no makeup and being accompanied by three year old twins who haven't yet had breakfast, right?  Yet that's how I presented today to the "ghetto" Walmart this morning and was still followed around the store by some smiling middle-aged ethnic man on one of those electric, riding shopping carts.

I always knew my ghetto booty was worth something.  Apparently it alone is my A-game on days like today.  My booty totally fits in on that side of town.

Speaking of rocking my A-game and my booty, I've joined the gym.  Well, actually, I've joined the YMCA, which I'd always heard of (because of that one song) but never really knew what it was until I moved to the middle of nowhere.  I'm working my way through their classes to see what I enjoy and to see what doesn't kill me.  So far I've rocked my booty in Zumba, worked my muscles in BodyPump and nearly killed myself spinning in Christian Cycling (yes, to Christian rock music, ironic I know...).

My opinion so far?  Zumba was fun, and much better than I thought it was going to be, plus I wasn't as lost as I thought I would be thanks to my dancing experience (and my ghetto booty).  BodyPump was brutal, particularly back to back with Zumba, but really was a great all-over-body workout that I am sure will tone some underused muscles and maybe prevent the appearance of Relief Society arms.  Spinning just blew - seriously it kicked my butt, then picked it up and kicked it again.  About 10 minutes into the 45 minute "cycling experience" I started looking around the room through my sweat to see if there was anything accessible in case the urge to vomit got any stronger.  When that urge subsided I found the oldest, most feeble person in the room and tried to keep up with them.   I did, barely.

I've still got to try a few more classes, like Body Combat and maybe water aerobics, to really find my groove and go with it.  I don't think it's going to be spinning...


larshannon said...

I'm tempted to join up just to exercise with you and then walk around walmart to see if anyone follows me.

Brooke said...

Laura, you totally don't have my butt, arms or abs. (that's a good thing, because I'm totally envious of yours) I'm just going to go out on a limb and say the guys shopping at the ghetto Walmart in the middle of the morning would be checking you out and the ones that follow me would be thinking you need to eat a donut... :)