Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rain Does Exist, In Some Parts Of The World...

This is a collage of pictures of my kids enjoying a nice, afternoon rain, in Heber.  We headed out to see Grandpa Teichert's grave after enjoying Granny's food and shakes, of course.  It started sprinkling as we were leaving the graveside, and continued as we visited with Robin. 

The babies had no idea what was going on, and could not grasp why the sky was leaking...that's how desperate for rain we are!  They loved playing in it, and trying to catch the drops, and opening their mouths and drinking in the moisture. 

I finished the day by leaving the kids with my mom and heading on my traditional date with Natalie.  Just us two, enjoying pedicures and sushi.  Thanks Natalie...I loved it all, especially when you knocked over your glass and it broke, and then you looked like you wet your pants, and they had to get you a new plate, and everyone one staring.... :)

It was a great day, full of great weather, awesome family, good food, and wonderful memories.  

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