Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011 - Episode Eleven

On our busiest day this Summer we cheered on my sister-in-law as she ran a half marathon in Springville, then we hiked a beautiful hike in Draper, followed by one last family reunion in Salt Lake City.  With everything that day I was most impressed with my sister-in-law's accomplishment of her first (and I'm sure not only) half marathon.  She inspired the runner inside of me to speak out, actually yell at me, to start running again.  It's still yelling at me almost 2 months later, I probably should appease the little devil... But since I'm technically not supposed to run anymore, I'll live vicariously through amazing people like Natalie.

Way to go, Nani!  You're amazing!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

That's awesome. After one half marathon, I'm still trying to get my nerve up for a second one! Your sister is adorable and she looks amazing for having just completed a race!! By the way, just being nosie, why aren't you supposed to run?? I hope you are okay!