Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011 - Episode Seven

I make a list every year of things I want to do with the kids while we're in Utah.  It usually consists of the zoo, the dinosaur museum, shopping, the treehouse museum, seeing family and friends, going to the park, etc.  We've done it all for a couple years in a row, and I wanted to try a couple of new things this year, and wanted to take it a little easier as well.  Dragging kids around day after day is wearing on everyone. (But mostly the adults involved....)

This year, I really wanted to do something that Shane would enjoy while he was there.  He only gets to spend a little time there with us, and I didn't think he'd want to drag around the zoo in 90°+ weather. So...I made him drag around HAB airplane museum in 90°+ weather.  I think it was worth it.  He and Cael were in heaven, but it was fun for everyone.  We got to read and talk about each of the planes, what they were for, how old they were and it was great for the kids (and me) to hear all that Shane knows about the planes. (yeah, he's so smart, you can ask him about anything and he knows the answer)

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Dang, what a great idea!! How much were the tickets just out of curiosity. I think my kids would LOVE this!! You guys are awesome!