Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011 - Episode Thirteen

Last, but not least....

And of course, our favorite Episodes of all...

Visiting my Grandma Teichert.  

You take family for granted when you live close to them.  While we lived in Utah, my grandparents lived about 15 minutes from us.  Though we visited them frequently, in retrospect I wish I'd been there so much more.  When we moved to Texas I really missed them.  I knew that my time was limited with them, and so we made every effort to see them when we went back to Utah.  We, thankfully, got to see Grandma quite a bit this summer, but on our last visit we both knew it was the last time.  You can see in her face, and I can still feel the sickening feeling I felt when I closed her door that last time.  

I am so glad that we had that time with her, and I still miss her so much.  I know she's watching over us, because I've felt a hug or two from her when I needed them.  I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that we'll see her again, when our time on this Earth is done.  And that knowledge makes it easy to be better each and every day.  Because I want to see Grandma and Grandpa again.

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