Sunday, September 18, 2011

Austin - Bob Bullock State History Museum

The Bob Bullock State History Museum was the last thing we did before heading back to reality.  It's located south of the capitol, but right downtown. It's website is found here. In addition to the exhibits, we saw a great IMAX film on tornadoes.  I love me some storm chasers, and the film didn't disappoint.

Apparently I missed the memo, or at least the sign saying no photography...I didn't use a flash if that helps my case at all...and if I get arrested for these photos, well, it was worth it.

The Texas High School Football exhibit. Tons of information on the state sport of Texas High Schools, including stats, film footage, uniforms, mascots, cheerleaders, etc.  Highlight of the museum.

Wreckage of some ship. I didn't read it all, but the stuff they had under glass was awesome.  Old wood combs, pewter dishes, beads, weapons, clothes, etc. Now, if I only knew what the ship really was...

The first Lady Liberty from the dome of the capitol building.  She's huge and extremely ugly, but if you read the sign it's because she's meant to be seen from so far away.  I guess you can justify it any way you'd like...

An old cannon.  Basically I took this one to show my kids how they aimed cannons, by either tilting the cannon itself, or by running it up and down on the track.  There was also a replica of the smaller cannon that spurred the "Come and Take It" flag.  That's my new motto...

This flag is what the State of Texas came up with after they were admitted as the 28th state in the Union.  There were no rules as to the design of the flag, just that there needed to be thirteen stripes and 28 stars.  Texas, being the lone star state, designed to design the flag with the 28 stars in the shape of a star. If I had this flag it'd totally be flying on my walls...

And of course, the gigantic Texas star outside.  It's the same kind of star that they have at the top of the dome inside the capitol, just a little bigger. (though not that much bigger, considering the one in the capitol is 8 feet from tip to tip...)

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