Monday, September 26, 2011

Bad Moods and Autumn, They Can Not Exist Together

I've been in a sour mood lately.  I'm reading an amazing book, but it's really pointed some things out in real life that I don't love.  Like lazy people. Like incompetent people. Like hypocritical people. Like ungrateful people. (yeah, I have my days too...)

I'm reading another book that tells me to fix myself before I get down on everyone else for being human too. (yes, I am totally human...)

It's sort of contradictory to be reading them both and feeling mixed emotions about everyone around you.

Then I look outside and see Autumn.  My favorite time of year. The crispness in the air, the cooler temperatures. (seriously, guys, 90's instead of 100's, I'll take it) Football on tv.  Fresh peaches, nectarines and apples.

Then I realized it's sort of contradictory to be sour on people and loving the time of year. So I got over it.

Now I love people who are stupid, and football teams who are stupid too. See, it's all good.

Oh, and if I can remember I'm going to start doing a photo of the week.  Last week's photo of the week was.....

I had so much fun doing this photo shoot. Lucky for me he let me shoot a few just for fun shots like this one. This 2012 graduate is amazing. He's smart (National Merit Scholar), talented (plays the piano better than me), nice (hello, shots like this on his photo shoot), cute (I have proof), funny, nice, patient....thanks for the photo of the week!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I loved to read your blog, I believe we are very much alike. Also what a talent you have!