Friday, September 16, 2011

Bathroom In Pictures


Cindy said...

I love that you took pictures along the way. I only think of doing that after the fact. I love the pic of Savannah! You guys are so ambitious!

christina said...

Is this your downstairs bathroom? Or the kids' bathroom?

Looks good!!


i'm erin. said...

Wowza! Oh my I love construction. That is amazing. You guys are like us, we are always working on a project.

The Manwaring Family said...

So Beautiful Brooke! I also love the before and along the way pics. It looks so great....wish you lived in Utah, we'd hire you to do our basement!! :)

Karen S. said...

I love me a good remodel.

Brooke said...

Thanks guys! It's the kids bathroom, upstairs. So glad that it's done! Now we just need to work on the downstairs one, get it finally usable after living here for 3 1/2 years! It seems we always have a project, and we've learned to take pictures along the way. There would have been a before pic, but I was out of town with the camera when Shane demoed it.