Wednesday, September 14, 2011


We are still a little bleary eyed and zombie-ish around here.  We're really trying to get back into the swing of things, but seriously, waking 2 hours earlier than you're used to is hard no matter which way you look at it. 

I didn't realize how much we thought about sleeping, until I downloaded all my cell phone pics from the last few months and saw that a lot of them had to do with sleeping...or the lack thereof.

Please, enjoy the following pics, and their captions...

"Mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this my mama said..."
Cael needs to have naps, if he doesn't this is what he looks like come dinnertime.  Thankfully, he's also my child who will ask for a nap if he feels that he's needing one.  Usually it's to get out of eating, but still, he asks for naps...I'll take it.

This was discovered by Lincoln one morning, when the rest of us were sleeping.  Or maybe not, but it's in his bedroom.  This is the shadow-light that was on his wall.  Something about the angle of the sun, between his blinds and the curtain ring...

"It's not quite as fun as it was last night..."
Lincoln went to a sleepover, which he apparently didn't remember was a SLEEP-over.  Between the 6 or so boys I don't think there was much sleeping.  I'm pretty sure Lincoln made it all night without a wink.  Apologies have been given to the hosts of the party...not so much to the 11 year old who may have learned how important sleep really is.  This was what happened when I asked him to unpack his pillow case and get me his sheets.  He couldn't even make it through the unpacking.  He just leaned over and fell asleep.

"Still not as fun as it was last night..."
This is Lincoln several hours after being asked to clean up his nook.  Passed out cold, on the hardwood floor with his head on a shoe box.  Needless to say he slept well that night.

"Dreaming of Sugarplum fairies, or rather cinnamon rolls..."
This is what Landry consistently does with her blanket when we put her to bed.  She rolls it up, then winds it up like a cinnamon roll.  Then she curls up and goes to sleep, sans blanket.  Not one of the younger three kids will sleep with a blanket on. 

"You take that side, I'll take this side, maybe someone else will take the middle..."
I'm pretty sure this is after I'd already removed them both from their car seats and carried them into my mom's house.  They didn't even flinch.  I wish I could sleep that soundly!

Savannah seems to be my normal sleeper.  Which is odd, considering she used to be the world's lightest sleeper.  These days school must be wearing her out, because she's out within minutes of hitting the pillow every evening and she's still out when I wake her up 10 hours later.  She also refuses to leave blankets on, and has been known to kick off blankets while you're re-covering her up at night.  I give up, maybe one night they'll get cold enough to pull the blankets back on by themselves.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Oh my gosh, the last picture of your babies sleeping on the couch is so adorable. It just melted my heart! Sweet dream to you guys.