Monday, October 17, 2011


I ran/walked a 5k this morning. At home. On my treadmill.

Big deal, you say. You ran one every day last week...

Well, blerg, to you, I say. I didn't. And actually, to toot my own horn, I went overboard and went 4 miles. Which is approximately 2 miles longer than I've ran/walked in a long time.

And it didn't take me forever, either.

And it didn't feel to bad while I was doing it either. (That was for Shane. See, Babe, no knee surgery needed. yet.)

And I'll do it again. Just so I can start to be like the majority of my known readers. You know who all of you are, the runners, who laugh at a 5k because it's just a drop in the bucket of your marathon workouts each day.

Laugh all you want. The little runner I see inside myself is coming out. Slowly, very slowly, but she's in there and she's fighting.

And she probably looks a lot like this...

The bottom one, FYI.


Cassott Kinghorn said...

whoowhoo! Go Brooke! Thanks for inspiring me :D

Maria Hoagland said...

Actually, that IS an accomplishment. Want to run a 5K with me first week in December? Jingle Bell Run?

Brimaca said...

Good job! I love running. I am doing the jingle bell run as well. I'm a slow runner though and I haven't been runnign as much with all the house cleaning as of late....