Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Some Days...

Some days I realize we have way too many toys, and very unmotivated children...

When you see the toys falling out of the toy room into the hall, and can't shut the door because there are too many toys in the way...

And you can't open the door all the way, but when you push your way in this is what you see...

You start thinking long and hard about this... (thanks Pinterest).


Kellie said...

Oh I hear ya! But with my kids once the playroom gets even a little dirty they won't play in it anymore....therefore I think the playroom is going to be changed to my craft room and they will no longer have a playroom! Oh I'm so mean!

Cassott Kinghorn said...

Man, I can't wait to have kids so I can get advice from you :D You get to try out all the cool ideas and then tell me if they work ;) :D

Cindy said...

I can identify completely...enough said!

Karen S. said...

We still have a bin in the attic from before Christmas. Ive gotten things out as the kids have asked for them, which has only been three things. One more week and what they haven't asked for will no longer be in our home!

Slim said...

Gotta love Pintrest, huh? :) My clutter jail is called the garbage can. Indy even told her teacher at school last week when she had forgotten her homework that if her mom finds it laying around she will probably just throw it away. Got em nearly trained. haha

Tonia said...

I'm so glad someone else's house looks like mine!!