Monday, June 25, 2012

PICTURES!!!! Or the Last Day of School...

K, so we're now at the last day of school, and I'm really trying to catch up before we head to Utah and stock up on more pictures. So....

Presenting last day of school - picture style



Lincoln's awards ceremony

Mr. Jimenez - Lincoln's teacher, who also happened to be Shane's teacher...he retired this year. I think it was time.

Mr. Purkey - another of Lincoln's teachers, he quit being a teacher after this year...I'm thinking it was a rough year for the teachers.

Mrs. Hall - Lincoln's other teacher. She's great, and she is coming back next year. Apparently she's tough.

Savannah and Mrs. Trauten, she's a great teacher! Plus, she's amazing, she had 14 girls and 4 boys in her class this year. Talk about drama! The girls were all bawling, because it was the last day of school, and several, like Savannah, weren't going to be there next year. I'm not sure how Ms. Trauten handled it all year, but she did coin a phrase that all parents probably heard at home all year, "Leave the drama with your mama! (but you're mama's not going to want the drama...")

Nannah and Brinklee

Mr. Chavez (the counselor) and the principal, Ms. Butler

One of Savannah's awards

Another award

Savannah, Sarah, Brinklee, Lydia and Addie

Savannah and Maritza

Showing off the awards

Nannah and Sarah

The kiddos

Some of the girls in the class clowning around

About half of Savannah's class

Clowning around

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Wow, great pictures!