Friday, July 29, 2011

Belated Birthdays

Savannah turned 6 yesterday, so she's now 6 going on 16. She's infatuated with all things that might make her seem older, including her "high heels" (church shoes) which she insisted on wearing yesterday. Then last night I put her to bed with a quick 6 birthday spanks and a pinch to grow an inch.

This morning she stood in the bedroom, looked down at her feet, looked up at me ans quipped, "mom, I don't think I am any taller. You gave me a pinch to grow an inch, and I don't think I am any taller."

Then to Shane, later today, she stated, with all her 6 year old wisdom, "All I wanted for my birthday was for Landry and Cael to be quiet so I could go to sleep, and they didn't do it."

So, Savannah, happy belated birthday. I love my beautiful, precocious, 6 year old more than ever. I can't wait to see how well you turn out. I am so grateful you came to our house to live, and I am so grateful you were willing to share this years' birthday with funeral plans and siblings that were unwllling to let you sleep. I love you so much, forever and always!

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