Friday, August 5, 2011

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig....Again

Let's see...since June 20th:
I have put over 6000 miles on our car.
I have seen more of New Mexico than should be humanly possible.
I have been to 2 dentist appointments for my kids.
I have cleaned my house twice. (hey, I've been out of town...)
I have see family members from every branch of our family trees.
I have attended one funeral, and seen two brand new babies.
I have purchased four (yes, 4) new cookbooks.
I have made one new ice cream recipe and I'm in love! (Banana cream pie is next)
I have read five books.
I have attended my ward one time.
I have taught one YW lesson.
I have been to Home Depot/Lowe's approximately ten times.
I have celebrated one anniversary.
I have celebrated the birthday of one daughter.
I have bought school supplies that would supply many third world countries entire schools for my two kids in school.
I have also bought school supplies for the two at home, just to make them feel better.
I have decided to stay more in touch with family, friends and my cleaning now that I'm back (again) I'm also back to blogging.

You're welcome!

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