Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I realized, while in Utah, you can be homesick for a place that you're at.  Particularly when you know that you love that place, and that you're only there temporarily.  I love Utah for the beauty that it holds, but most for the family that it holds too.  My kids love seeing their "other Grandma's", Grandma Kinghorn and Grandma Teichert.  It was so hard to leave Grandma Teichert this time, it was like we both knew we probably wouldn't see each other again.  She cried, I cried.  We hugged, again and again.  

Every. Single. Time. We. Visited...

Then we left, because we had to.
Three days later she fell and broke her hip and had to have surgery. Now she's not doing well at all, and I'm just praying she's comfortable and praying she can soon be back with my Grandpa, because that's what she told me she wanted.

Selfishly, I don't want her to get her way.

Good luck, Grandma!  WE love you!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Aw your post made me tear up:(