Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our New Addition

Thankfully, no, we haven't added another pet to our menagerie.  But it's going to take work, time and money, just like a pet or a kid.

I have now completely moved into living vicariously through my children.  I play violin and piano, I've tried learning guitar, but now Lincoln (and I) are going to learn the cello.

Lincoln has the opportunity, as a 6th grader (gasp, seriously, he's that old), to take strings instead of his regular old music class with the grumpy, ornery, and super not fun regular old music teacher.  He couldn't wait to sign up.  I tried to talk him into the violin.  I tried hard.  I discussed how we already have violins of all sizes, so we wouldn't have to rent/buy one.  I reminded him that the cello doesn't often have the melody of the songs, so sometimes it'll be hard to know what you're playing.  I reminded him that he's walking to and from school this year and a violin would be oh, so much lighter to carry.

He looked at me and said, "Ok, I know, but I want to play the cello"....

So we got a cello.

And I get to learn right along with him.

Plus side of this whole thing, (other than me being able to learn the cello), is that if he decides to switch instruments next month, or decides to quit strings altogether, we can take this lovely cello back, no questions asked.  That's right, we're doing a rent-to-purchase.  I think they should do that for pets and kids too.


Cindy said...

Oh man, for a second there, I really thought you were making an announcement!! Wow, I'm super impressed, really, the cello! You've got an over achiever on your hands and I think I know exactly where he got it! Um...I know I sound like a broken record but how do you fit things in?? Your kids are smart, you play multiple instruments, you teach piano, you make AWESOME food, you are a busy mommy, etc. Sorry, this is one lengthy post but I'm just trying to figure out how you do it all. You inspire me!

Mariah said...

Dahling... I've missed you during my blog-absent summer. I wish you lived closer!