Thursday, September 1, 2011

Last Week - In Pictures Because Who Wants To Hear Me Talk?

The 1st Grader - So excited to be going back to school.  Super excited about actually having homework this year.  Super excited, right until she came home from school this first day and realized what homework really is.

The 6th grader - also excited about being back in school.  Looking forward to another year with no homework, hasn't been disappointed yet.

Together, all smiles even though they were wakened about two hours before they were used to getting up during the summer months.  Gotta love the sleepy-eyed smiles and bleary eyes of the first day of school, but that was behind the camera.  Kids are just so dang resilient!

Yes, we took funny face pics of all of the kids before school.  Why, I don't know.

It seems this is the only face my kids know how to make at 3.

My boys, hilarious, right?

Sometimes she makes this face when we talk about boys, or I deliver a particularly healthy meal for dinner.

The babies with their backpacks.  They received them on Tuesday, right after Lincoln and Savannah headed to school for the second day.  They haven't been removed from their backs yet...

On Friday Shane had to do some work in Lamesa, which happens to be about halfway to Lubbock, where the nearest temple is.  He asked me if I wanted to spend the afternoon with him in the Courthouse, abstract office and tax office, then hit up the temple with him that had been awhile.  I am so glad that we did.  I am so grateful for family that we can shuffle kids off to at the last minute.  Particularly when they're willing to crash on your couch until you finally show up around 11:30, even when there's a bed one room away...


Stacey said...

Love all the pictures, your kiddos are getting so big!

Cindy said...

Cute pictures but that's no surprise because you've got adorable subjects. I love the funny face pictures the most and most of all I love that you still call Cael and Landry, "The babies" because that's what I will forever call Porter and Kamryn even though people look at me like I'm a wierdo:)