Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011 - Episode Four

We went to the Aquarium this year. I figured I'd treat my kids to a fun, water-filled afternoon. Obviously we don't have aquariums in Midland, we barely have fish tanks. We used to have a duck pond, but since it's nearly dried up, my kids just enjoy seeing water of any kind.

Plus, the aquarium was boasting about their penguins, and penguins are Lincoln's favorite.

So we went, and it was great. We saw the penguins, all sorts of fish, some scorpions, the kids got to "drive" a boat, they got to pet anemones, sea urchins, sea stars and a sting ray. The best part for me was the sting ray, but it was in deceptively deep water. When you looked in the pool it only looked like it was 8 or so inches under the water, but when you reached down to touch them you had to reach nearly to your shoulder (an adult shoulder). Savannah and Lincoln both managed, but some poor kid was trying and he fell all the way into the pool!

Thankfully we escaped with no injuries, and no soaking wet children...

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