Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011 - Episode Nine

Of course, we didn't hit all new places for our vacation this year.  I mean, what would a trip to BYU be without seeing the Bean Museum, the Dinosaur Museum, and the Creamery?

I know.

So we did it again this year, only we took Shane along for the ride.  I graduated from BYU, lived in Provo/Utah County for almost a decade and had never been to either museum...

I know...

So, getting past the fact that we spent the day looking at dead animals, and extinct ones, the ice cream is unbelievably good and the kids loved it all.  I even enjoyed the cheapness of the day and watching students dig fossils out of rock never gets old.

1 comment:

Slim said...

We did the Bean museum and the creamery too! It was nice not to be the only one in a restaurant with five crazy kids!!! :) Cute pictures. Don't you think the bird exhibit at the Bean Museum is awesome???