Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011 - Episode Six

Independence Day was full of family and fireworks.  We got to spend the evening with the Billing's family for a gigantic pot luck dinner and fireworks show.  Savannah and Sierra are inseparable, and for Savannah's sake (and mine) I wish they lived closer.  The fireworks were spectacular, particularly because Utah allowed aerial fireworks this year.  It was awesome to see the great big fireworks.  We taught the kids to cover their ears for the big booms, but Cael was so enthralled with the fireworks he didn't even care about the noise.  We came away with the only injury from our trip, a fingered burned by a sparkler. Not bad, if I say so myself.


Cindy said...

What a blast! Brooke, I love how you are continuing to blog about your vacation. I always say I'm going to and then, well, I don't! Keep it up, it's really making me want to go back and blog everything I've so shamefully missed blogging about! You are stinking amazing!

Stacey said...

I cant believe how long Savannah's hair is! Looks like yall had a blast!