Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011 - Episode Ten

Family is the main reason we trek 1,000 miles every summer.  We are lucky to have family close by in Texas, but still, the majority of both Shane's and my family live in Utah.  We schedule around family reunions, and juggle our schedules to attend every get-together we can.  

The Billings and Snow families have their set reunions every year, but the Teichert family and Kinghorn kids are just sort of hit and miss opportunities to see each other.

This was the third year I've managed to meet with the Kinghorn kids.  More of the kids have made it each year, with 5 of the kids (plus me) attending this year!  We met with Scott and Cassie (Idaho), Dan and Patty (Idaho), Sarah and Larin (Nevada), Emily (Utah) and Alex (Idaho) for a "leisurely" hike up Bell Canyon.  I think my kids are better hikers than I am!  (If I can get it to load I will post a great video of Landry hiking, soooo funny!)  It was so beautiful hiking past rivers and lakes.  I failed to pack enough drinks for us, but we managed drinks from the swift flowing river and it was the most delicious water EVER.  The hike was fun as we managed short conversations with whoever happened to be walking near you at the time.  It's so nice to hike with so many helpful and willing adults.  Just when I was so tired of carrying Cael (who was burning up with a fever), someone else was willing to step in and take a turn. It's fun to keep up with them, even if it is once a year. After the hike we headed to Emily's apartment for lunch.  I wish we could have stayed longer, but we had other reunions to attend.  I am so glad that they are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get together each year, and I'm looking forward to next year already!

Yes, we were that sweaty, it was so hot!  I wore a backpack and my entire back was soaked!  We learned that if you had a hat and dunked it in the freezing water of the lake/river and then put it on your head it felt REALLY good!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Your camera memory must be full! You took amazing pictures!