Thursday, September 29, 2011

Austin = Music, Food & Beauty

That is the beauty of Lady Bird Lake, which isn't really a lake, but part of a river, that flows just south of town. That is more water than we have in the rest of the state of Texas. One bridge down was the bat bridge, we didn't go see it, we'll blame it on bad timing, but really we just didn't want to get covered in bat skat. (which is funny, because it rhymes...)

Chad and Shane pointing to their hometown, Midland. Which, funny, is located in the middle of a giant mural on the side of some building. Fittingly, it's just West of green with no rivers around.

Footwear of choice? Flip-flops.  Odd man out? Shane. Plus, notice we're the only ones in pants. Neither of us wear shorts very often. This was the elevator ride in the funkiest building around.  The UT Tower.  Talk about your twilight zone moments...we rode this elevator to the 24th floor because we couldn't get any higher buttons to light up. We ended up on the 25th floor, where the elevator opened up to a miniature classroom.  Chad fittingly asked where all the miniature people and desks were.  Then Brad found a miniature table and it wasn't so funny anymore. 

Bevo, on a wall. By Brooke. Art at it's best.

Chad and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie's looking all stoic. Chad's looking all white gangsta. This is at Lady Bird Lake. Just a few blocks north of here is 6th street, known for it's bars and music.  Austin's own Bourbon Street (on a miniature scale, kind of like UT Tower). I wish we'd been able to spend some time walking down 6th street.  We drove it and there were places of all kinds, like Irish pubs, Country bars, Jazz lounges, Blues bars...and we heard some awesome Stevie Ray emanating from one of them.

The group, minus Clint and Karen.  Seems as though 4 couples went on this trip and only 3 couples got pictures taken together. I swear there were 8 people represented there. Just imagine Clint and Karen to Kristin's left. They were also wearing blue.

Salt Lick BBQ. Amazing. Cash only. No split checks. Middle of nowhere. BYOB. Live music. Lots 'o meat. Period, the end.

See...good food, good company, good game, good city, good trip. 

Must do again...

The End


Cindy said...

Dang, what a fun trip! As always, I LOVE your photography, you are awesome with your camera!! The whole weekend looks and sounds like it was so much fun. DJ went to the bat bridge a few years ago and said it was pretty much one of the craziest things he'd ever seen. Don't blame you for not wanting to get slimed though! Glad you had a great trip.

Stacey said...

So jealous!!!