Friday, September 30, 2011

Water Works

Why does this qualify for the photo of the week?

I don't know.

It was just a picture that happened to remind me that I hadn't ever really blogged about the last round of swimming lessons.

The round in which we had 3 kids taking swimming at the same time. 

The round in which all 3 kids decided they liked water.  And probably wouldn't drown if they were dropped in a pool. And could go underwater and come back up, on their own. And would put themselves underwater on their own, and come back up, repeatedly.

Yes, I may have had to bribe Savannah with goggles to go underwater. She earned them on her 2nd lesson. Then she decided she could swim on her 3rd lesson and shocked us all by turning into a little fish. She can front stroke and back stroke well now. 

Cael had the same teacher he had last time. I believe he's in love. He was in a class with all girls, but he only had eyes and words (lots of them) for his teacher. He would spend the whole lesson cracking her up. I have no idea what he was saying. 

Landry realized she could float, and liked to, as long as her teacher didn't ask her to do it.  Then she immediately decided she didn't want to. I think she thought it was really fun to "tease" her teacher, even though I don't really think she was teasing. She's really head strong.

I am really excited to get them registered for another round of lessons. I was amazed by the progress during this last round. Particularly with Savannah. And, I was glad to learn that Landry's behind isn't the only thing that floats on her.