Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Brain Food, or Food For Thought

Savannah and I always discuss her school day when she gets home from school.  Usually her words are being thrown out at a mile a minute so she doesn't forget anything.

"Mom, today we learned about brains.  My brain is this big (puts two fists together)!  Oh, and there are three parts of your brain.  The first part is the stem, the brain stem.  The second part helps you to think and learn...oh my gosh, I'm using that part right now!!"

Then we were interrupted by cartoons, or a doorbell ringing.  Or possibly a small child screaming for attention.

But, several hours later, over the dinner table we continued our discussion, with everyone else there.

"So, dad, there's the brain stem, and the thinking part...and, ummmm, the part that helps you remember things. Man, I almost forgot that one..."

She didn't understand why three of the six people sitting at the dinner table just about lost their drinks through their noses.


larshannon said...

You should have warned your reader not to be drinking while reading this post.

Remember don't drink and read.

Stacey said...

Thats hilarious, oh my gosh I scared Cooper I laughed so hard!!!

Cassott Kinghorn said...

hahahaha. Love it!!

Slim said...

She is so funny!!! Kids are the best, and by the way, I meant to get on here on the 19th and wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! :)