Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful for Thanksgiving

It's the month of Thanksgiving. I've had daily reminders of how I should be more public about my gratitude for the things that I've been given. I have blessed with so many things, and though I feel I'm fairly grateful in my daily prayers, I've realized the importance of publicly sharing our thanks as well. But, since I'm no where near enough motivated to post every single day this month, I'm taking the lazy way out and posting them all today. Then, if I get super motivated or even more grateful I'll add to it throughout the month. So, without further ado...

1. I am super grateful for my husband, who knows a little bit (or a lot) about everything. Who works hard each day to support our family, including our remarkable grocery budget, and the neighborhood birds who eat all of our chicken and dog food. He is amazing, and I wouldn't know what to do without him.
2. I am very grateful for Lincoln. He is so responsible and respectful. He loves to play with his little brother and sisters. He is so smart. I love hearing stories from people who see him interacting with his siblings or other friends and tell me how kind he is. 
3. I am grateful for Savannah. She shows me each day the excitement of learning. She is helpful with her little brother and sister. She loves learning the piano, and loves learning to read and write. 
4. I am so grateful for Landry. She's such a little spitfire sometimes and I love that she's teaching me patience. She's so anxious to learn, and I'm grateful that she's so motivated to devour any information she can. She knows her letters, shapes, colors, and taught herself how to play "Mary had a little lamb" on the piano.
5. I am very grateful for Cael. He's such a little snuggler, I could cuddle with him all day long. He's so athletic and fun. He wants to be a super-hero when he grows up. He loves to play with friends and loves to try to be like his older brother and sister. He's so animated about learning new things.
6. I am thankful for my house, to keep me warm when it's so stinking cold outside.
7. I am thankful for warm clothes that keep me warm, and hide my extra weight with their bulk.
8. I am grateful for movies like Leapfrog and tv shows on PBS that entertain my kids for periods of time, yet teaches them at the same time. I am certain Landry and Cael are as smart as they are because of shows like that.
9. I am thankful for running water. Seriously. We went without running water for a day last week when we replaced our water heater.  It was miserable.
10. I am also thankful for flushing toilets and toilet paper. I think toilet paper is a better invention than computers. You can't wipe anything with a computer. Or at least nothing important.
11. I am also grateful for computers. Even though they're completely unhelpful in the bathroom, they provide us with so much information. I use computers to stay in touch with friends, keep family and friends up-to-date with our family, prepare my weekly church lessons, to research things that my kids ask me, check the weather, schedule things, etc. I'm not sure our lives would run very efficiently without our computers.
12. I am thankful for my mom. She's amazing. She is the most selfless, giving, caring person ever. She is smart and raised me to be who I am. And she's coming to visit me, so I am also thankful I get to see her this month! I wish she lived closer so we could see her more.
13. I am grateful for my in-laws. They raised an amazing man, who I couldn't live without, and they've got to be pretty responsible for that. Plus they're wonderful people, and very helpful to live close to.
14. I am grateful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. My testimony means so much to me. Christ's atonement means that I can live again, if I live worthy to receive those blessings. The plan of salvation means that we can live together forever. I love my family enough to do anything to be with them forever. And ever.
15. I am grateful for the friends I have. The ones I get to see weekly and the ones that I only get to keep in touch with online. Without friends our existence would be very lonely. Plus, I learn a lot from my friends and they are very helpful too. I wish I could be a better friend.
16. I am grateful for my talents. Though I wish I were better at them all, I am grateful I've been blessed with talents that I can use to help my family and others. I love being able to play musical instruments, and to be able to teach piano. I love being able to document my family history through photographs, and to be able to take family pictures for others. I love being able to cook for my family and friends.
17. I am grateful for my work ethic. I love being able to find satisfaction in hard work. I want my kids to learn to work too, so they don't grow up leaning on others to provide for them.
18. I am thankful for hot cocoa that keeps my insides warm, and my fingers warm on cold mornings like today.
19. I am grateful for kids who will eat almost anything I put in front of them. That they'll eat their veggies and ethnic foods, and that their favorite foods are almost always healthy and different.
20. I am grateful for time with my family each day. I love that we eat breakfast and dinner together, at the table, every single day. That we read scriptures and pray together in the morning, pray together at night, and have family home evening every week. Even though reverence isn't attained at every one of these gatherings, we are consistent and it's consistency that matters.
21. I am grateful for half-siblings that care. As frustrating as family can be sometimes, it's nice to have people who care, even when others don't. People who show they love you really make up for those that don't.
22. I am thankful for comfortable furniture and a house that is kid proof. I love that I no longer have to stress about the kids ruining anything in my house. If it used to be nice, it isn't any longer, so when the kids inevitably jump on the couches and pound their eating utinsels into the table, I don't have to care too much. It's all worn out and comfortable. Maybe one day I'll have a house too uncomfortable to live in, but I don't know. I kind of like it the way it is.
23. I am grateful that dry-erase markers come off walls with baby wipes. And that crayons come off wood with just a little scrubbing. I am also grateful that my front-room rug is a busy enough pattern that the large orange soda stain isn't as noticeable as it could be, since I can't remove it.
24. I am really, really, really thankful for baby wipes. When you're just anal enough to not like some things dirty, they really come in handy. Plus they remove dry-erase markers from walls, fridges and mirrors. And, they're handy to hand to piano students who just picked their noses and started to put their hands back on the piano. (blerg...)
25. I am grateful for grandparents who are still close, even after they've passed. I've totally felt them near when I needed a little hug, some comfort or a little push of motivation. They were wonderful in life, and I'm grateful that they're helpful now too.
26. I am thankful for books and the ability to read. I've read some really great books lately, that have helped me to be a better person and have expanded my perceptions of others. I am thankful that I can learn from books. (and I'm grateful for a few minutes each day to read)
27. I am thankful for modern technology and modern medicine. Without it I wouldn't be typing this blog post, and I wouldn't have gotten rid of my nasty headache last night. I wouldn't be able to bribe my children with PBS television, entertain myself while ironing, or help my children feel better when they're sick. Or, quickly heat a cup of water for hot cocoa. I just wasn't cut out for an un-modern society.
28. I am grateful that I live in America. I am proud to live in America. I am grateful that even though I don't necessarily agree with everything going on in America, I can vote for those people I support, and I can express my frustrations and anger against things, because I have rights. 
29. I am grateful for those who dedicate their lives to fighting for those rights. They are heroes.
30. I am grateful for holidays, like Thanksgiving, that allow us to cook for days, eat for minutes, and give us the opportunity to publicly express our gratitude on lists like this one...


Brimaca said...

Beautiful list of gratitude. I need to do one of these too. I've been a negative Nelly the last few days. However, today I spent every moment until now just playing wiht my kids. It's been nice.

larshannon said...

If you get this twice, sorry. Blogger was being stupid.

I enjoyed reading your list and being reminded of some of the things I'm thankful for. Also, I would like to see the list of books you have recently read.