Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Totally Used To Be Better

I'd advise you to never look back on what you've done. That was then, this is now...and now is so much better than then, right?!?

I made a mistake today.  I looked in my blog archives for something a year ago.  I was a whole lot funnier a year ago.  My blog posts had substance and humor.

Humor...and substance...and they coexisted together well.  And, that was when I was in school and life was completely hectic and crazy.

Man, I really need to bring it with these posts...I need to step it up...I need to be me, a year ago, only without the chaos and the un-pottytrained kids...

Nah, no one needs to go there.

Perhaps I just need to find more humor in life.  Like the fact that my house has the most dust bunnies per capita anywhere, and I just swept yesterday.  Where do they come from, and why do they actually reproduce faster than actual bunnies?


Slim said...

You are still very funny and are funnier than I have ever been. :) Could the dust bunnies be multiplying as fast as they are due to just the right environmental conditions...i.e. no rain for a year???

i'm erin. said...

I think your posts still have substance and humor. And your blog has total style! No need to step anything just make the rest of us jealous.