Friday, September 2, 2011


Savannah turned 6 back in July, while we were in Utah for Grandma's funeral.  We had started planning her party, and I just sort of let it slide when we got back.  She is quite the persistent child, and we heard about her desire for a friend party nearly every day.  I got busy with everything else and I sort of hoped it would just slide away without too much drama.  She promised it wouldn't.

So I planned a party, at the last minute.  A surprise party.  Complete with email invitations because it was so last minute.  And her friends came and they spoiled her with presents and they spoiled my rug with their food...seriously, anyone know how to get orange soda out of a wool rug?

But they had fun.  And it was easy.  And that's what it's all about, right?

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Sounds like a six year old I know who never forgets anything either. But it looks like the party was a succes. I also think you have some darn cute kiddos!